 研究室紹介 / Laboratory Introduction

平塚教授 論文
 / Professor Hiratsuka Paper

  1. Solid State Reaction of La(Co1-xNix)O3 with 10 mol% Y2O3-ZrO2 [Materials Trans.JIM, 30(10), (1989.10), 789-799], J.Echigoya, S.Hiratsuka, H.Suto
  2. Structure and Low-Temperature Phase of LaCoO3 [Phys. stat. sol. (a), 118(1), (1990.01), 371-378], J.Echigoya, S.Hiratsuka, H.Suto
  3. Y.Shobuzawa, M.Nakamura, Effect of Eight Individual Rare-earth Elements on the Graphite Nodule Count of a Thin-section of Spheroidal-graphite Cast Iron [Cast Metals, 3(2), (1990.02), 73-81] H.Horie, S.Hiratsuka, T.Kowate, Y.Iwabuchi, Y.Shobuzawa, M.Nakamura
  4. 片状黒鉛鋳鉄のチル化傾向及び引張強さに及ぼす希土類元素並びに硫黄の影響 [鋳物, 63(2), (1991年02月), 143-148] 堀江皓,楊忠亮,小綿利憲,平塚貞人,袁錫爵,勝負沢善行
    Effect of Rare Earth Elements and Sulfur on Chilling Tendency and Tensile Strength in Flake Graphite Cast Iron [IMONO, 63(2), (1991.02), 143-148] H.Horie, Z.Yang,T.Kowata, S.Hiratsuka, X.Yuan, Y.shobuzawa
  5. 球状黒鉛鋳鉄とオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼との拡散接合 [鋳物, 63(5), (1991年05月), 449-454] 堀江皓,平塚貞人,小綿利憲,栗田和幸,中村満
    Diffusion Bonding of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron to Austenitic Stainless Steel [IMONO, 63(5), (1991.05), 449-454] H.Horie, S.Hiratsuka, T.Kowata, K.Kurita, M.Nakamura